Some news about the JacXson Family !

We are glad to provide you many news about JacXson XL (Wide-Body engines swap) and its little brother JacXson U70 (Single-Aisle engines / ALL landing gears swap) !

To start with, the JacXson XL prototype has been fully assembled in our Pujaudran facility (Toulouse area, France). Our engineering team is currently performing all necessary testing and last technical adjustments.

On top of that, the equipment will soon be tested by Airbus in the frame of certification process on its WB fleet. It will then be sent to Singapore Airlines Engineering Company, our prestigious launch customer, which will be the first to operate this game-changing product for WB engines R/I operations!

We are dealing in the same time with the other world top player of aviation (guess which one…?) to have the JacXson certified shortly on its whole WB fleet too.

In addition to that, the JacXson U70 is now proposed for lease on a 6, 12 or 24 months basis, allowing our costumers to get more flexibility. Air France Industry has been the first to beneficiate of this solution in its Paris CdG base…and Vueling right after!

We’re also continuing to perform demonstrations all over Europe and America, last in date in American Airlines (Dallas) in May, Allegiant (Las Vegas) in May too, and Vueling (Barcelona) in July.

Last news but not least, Tarmac Aerosave just purchased their second unit for their Terruel site (Spain). We want to thank them for the confidence they have in the JacXson line of products since the early beginning of the development story and looking forward to continue this partnership with the JacXson XL !


eXcent will be present at the London MRO Show in October 19th / 20th, booth 904.

We are looking forward to welcome you and speak about the benefits of our JacXson range of products!

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