
A technical challenge brilliantly accomplished: the replacement of an A380 landing gear, carried out at Tarmac’s site in Tarbes.
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JacXson U70
Boeing just released a new AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Manual) revision on October 15th, now including the removal and installation of the CFM56-7B engine with the JacXson U70!
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It's busy news at the start of the year for the JacXson U70!
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BA Glasgow base will operate a brand-new JacXson U70 before the end of the year
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Discover the JacXson U70, the most consistent and reliable Engine R/I System on the market through this brand new engine removal Timelapse ! Engine change performed on a V2500 by the teams of our partner Vueling in Barcelona, Spain. The total swap was completed in less than 2.5 hours, including the break between the Removal...
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We are glad to provide you many news about JacXson XL (Wide-Body engines swap) and its little brother JacXson U70 (Single-Aisle engines / ALL landing gears swap) !
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eXcent is proud to announce a new partnership with one of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers for the certification of the JacXson U70!
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